WASP CONTROL PLYMOUTH 30-60 Minute Responce
Fast, friendly and fully functional, our Pest Control Service is well renowned throughout the Plymouth area. we are up for every wasp job. We always stand behind our wasp control work, with customer satisfaction being our #1 priority. Contact us to learn more about our incredible staff and how they can help you! 08007720086
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The Queen wasp is the most important in the whole nest.
The Queen wasp is much larger than the female workers and the males called drones. The Queen wasp is the largest wasp in the colony and her life's purpose is to lay eggs. Only female wasps including the Queen have stingers which are used solely for self-defense.
When the days start to warm up in the spring the Queen wasps come out from hibernation where they have spent the winter in a deep sleep. At this time of year there are no active wasp nests just Queens which will begin to look for a suitable place to build their new Wasp nests. When the winter comes back around (normally October to November) the wasp nest collapse and the new and old Queens wasps fly off and hibernate for the winter